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Photo of the biotope

Recommended minimum size: 250 litres (which is 66.04 US gallons, 54.99 Imperial gallons)

Lake Tanganyika Biotope

Lake Tanganyika has over 150 species belonging to more than 50 genera have been described, although many undescribed and undiscovered species are likely to exist. Geologists believe that Lake Tanganyika was formed 7-10 millions years ago, making it considerably older than Lake Malawi. Lake Tanganyika is located along the East African Rift and creates the borders between Tanzania and Zaire.

This elongated, rocky lake is 440 miles (708 km) long and sometimes as wide as 50 miles (80 km). Lake Tanganyika is a deep lake, with some parts exceeding the depths of 4,820 feet (1470 m).Unlike other lakes of its size, the water of Lake Tanganyika does circulate and a thermocline is not created. This phenomenon gives rise to a theory that Lake Tanganyika could, at its extreme depths, be heated by the earth’s core. Even though the lake has a, relatively speaking, uniform temperature, most fish species only inhabit the first 450 feet (137 m) from the water’s surface.


pH: 7.8-9.0, 12-20 dH, 24-28°C (75-82°F)


A rocky set-up, complete with caves and ledges is recommended. The substrate should be fine gravel or sand, scattered with snail shells. Use an efficient filter that creates little water current. Make frequent water changes since Lake Tanganyika species are especially sensitive to water pollutants.


Vallisneria is the only commercially available species, but Anubias and Java Fern are also suitable if the aquariast is willing to bend the biotope rules.


Lake Tanganyika cichlids include snail shell-dwellers, Synodontis, Afromastacembelus eels, Tanganyika Rainbowfish.

Taken from Rhett A. Butler/

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